

KAEFER Schiffsausbau GmbH
GetreidestraĂźe 3
28217 Bremen, Germany

Telefon: +49 421 6109 0

Managing Directors:
Jürgen Trost, Sören Homfeld

Re­gistered of­fice: Bremen

Bre­men Dis­trict Court, HRB 21788
VAT ID No.: DE 114528536

Legal no­tice

1. Copyrights

The con­tent and the struc­ture of this web­site are sub­ject to copy­right and re­lated rights. The use, pro­cessing, stor­age, du­plic­a­tion or other use of the in­form­a­tion and data in­clud­ing im­ages pub­lished on this web­site is sub­ject to the prior writ­ten con­sent of KAEFER. Me­dia com­pan­ies are al­lowed to use the in­form­a­tion pub­lished un­der “News & Me­dia” in­so­far as the doc­u­ments re­main un­changed and a copy­right sign ap­pears which in­dic­ates KAEFER as the ori­gin­ator.

2. Trademarks

All trade­marks on this web­site are sub­ject to trade­mark rights. The use of the trade­marks is sub­ject to the prior writ­ten con­sent of KAEFER.

3. Consumer Arbitration

We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board according to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (German “ Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz”).

4. Health & Safety standards in photos

The photos on this website show KAEFER employees at jobsites around the world, demonstrating our work in different industries. Please note that health and safety standards vary by country, industry and customer and are changing/developing over time. The photographs were taken over the years and may represent older standards that are eventually not complying with current regulations.

Concept, Design, Programming

digital cuisine GmbH & Co. KG
HanomagstraĂźe 9
30449 Hannover, Germany

Content Management System: